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The principle, direction, and precautions of using an air drying oven

Blast drying oven is a widely used drying equipment in laboratories and industrial production. It can flow hot air through the dried material through forced ventilation, accelerating the evaporation of moisture in the dried material, thereby achieving rapid drying. The blast drying oven is usually composed of a box, a heating system, a blast system, a control system, and other components.

The blast drying oven can be widely used in fields such as food, chemical, pharmaceutical, and materials science. In the food industry, blast drying boxes can be used for processes such as drying, dehydration, and sterilization of food, such as drying and dehydration of vegetables, fruits, meat, seafood, biscuits, etc. In the fields of chemical and pharmaceutical industries, blast drying ovens can be used for the drying and solidification of chemical products, pharmaceuticals, biological products, etc. In the field of materials science, blast drying ovens can be used for the drying, baking, and curing of materials, such as the production and research of paper, coatings, ceramics, plastics, etc.

When using an air drying oven, the following precautions should be taken:

1. Ensure that the dried materials are neatly arranged and not piled up too high to ensure that the hot air can flow evenly through all material surfaces.

2. Control the air volume of the blowing system to ensure the appropriate flow rate of hot air, while avoiding materials being blown away or blown out of the drying oven.

3. Control the temperature of the heating system to ensure that the surface temperature of the dried material is not too high, thereby avoiding hot air baking of the material surface while still containing moisture inside.

4. Regularly clean the interior of the drying oven to prevent the accumulation and impact of pollutants such as dust and odors.

5. Strictly follow the operating procedures during use to ensure personnel safety.

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