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Yetuo Low Temperature Biochemical Incubator - Precautions for Using Low Temperature Biochemical Incu

Low temperature biochemical incubators have a wide range of applications in experimental fields such as biology, agriculture, and medicine. In order to ensure the normal operation of the equipment, extend its service life, and ensure the accuracy of experimental results, the following points should be noted when using:

1. Environmental requirements

Avoid direct sunlight: The low-temperature biochemical incubator should be placed in a cool, well ventilated place, away from direct sunlight to avoid affecting internal temperature control.

Keep away from heat and moisture: Incubators should be avoided from being placed next to high-temperature equipment or in areas with high humidity. Excessive moisture can cause damage to internal electrical components, while high temperatures can affect the heat dissipation of the enclosure.

Stable placement: Ensure that the equipment is placed on a stable ground to prevent vibration or noise caused by unstable placement during operation, which may affect the cultivation effect of the sample.

2. Attention to power supply usage

Stable power supply voltage: The equipment should be connected to a stable power supply, typically 220V/50Hz. In situations where the voltage is unstable or fluctuates greatly, it is recommended to use a voltage regulator to prevent equipment damage or unstable operation caused by abnormal voltage.

Power socket: The low-temperature biochemical incubator should use a separate power socket to avoid sharing it with other high-power devices, in order to prevent power tripping or equipment failure caused by overload.

Grounding wire connection: The power plug of the equipment should have a good grounding to ensure the safety of the operator and avoid electric shock accidents caused by leakage.

3. Temperature and humidity settings

Gradually adjust the temperature: When temperature adjustment is needed, avoid setting too large a temperature difference at once. The temperature should be gradually adjusted to give sufficient time for the internal cooling or heating system to respond and avoid overloading that could affect the lifespan of the equipment.

Attention to humidity regulation: If the device is equipped with humidity control function, ensure that the water source is clean. For experiments with high humidity, regularly check and clean the water tank to prevent the growth of fine Jun or scale inside the tank, which may affect the accuracy of humidity control.

4. Sample placement requirements

Uniform placement of samples: The experimental samples should be evenly distributed on the shelf, avoiding being too concentrated in a certain position, especially not blocking the internal air duct to ensure smooth internal airflow circulation and uniformity of temperature and humidity inside the box.

Avoid too many samples: When placing samples, the incubator should not be overfilled to avoid affecting internal air circulation, resulting in uneven temperature and humidity distribution, and affecting experimental results.

5. Access control operation

Reduce the number of times the door is opened: During the experiment, the number and time of opening the box door should be minimized as much as possible. Frequent opening of doors can cause excessive fluctuations in internal temperature and humidity, affecting the cultivation effect.

Gently open and close: When opening and closing the box door, it should be operated gently to avoid excessive force that may cause a decrease in the sealing performance of the door and affect the temperature control effect of the equipment.

6. Regular maintenance of equipment

Regular cleaning of interior and exterior: The interior and exterior of the incubator should be cleaned regularly. Especially in the internal cultivation area, any spilled liquid or debris from the sample should be promptly cleaned to avoid the growth of fine particles or the generation of odors.

Maintenance of refrigeration system: The cooling holes and compressor components of the refrigeration system should be regularly cleaned to avoid dust accumulation that affects heat dissipation and equipment overheating, thereby affecting the refrigeration effect.

Maintenance of humidity control components: For equipment equipped with humidity control function, the water tank and humidity sensor should be cleaned regularly to avoid blockage by scale or pollutants that may affect the humidity control effect of the equipment.

7. Operation after power outage

Recovery operation after power outage: In the event of a power outage or unexpected power outage, the temperature, humidity, and lighting parameters of the equipment should be checked after power restoration to ensure that the system can operate normally according to the preset values. If the device has power-off memory function, it can automatically restore working parameters.

Gradually restore equipment operation: When restarting the equipment after a power outage, to avoid sudden excessive workload on the equipment, the set temperature and humidity should be gradually restored to protect the internal electrical and cooling systems.

8. Use of alarm system

Regularly check the alarm system: The temperature and humidity over limit alarm system built into the equipment needs to be checked regularly to ensure that it can promptly alert operators to handle faults in case of abnormal situations.

Pay attention to alarm signals: If the device emits an alarm, promptly check whether the internal temperature, humidity, lighting and other parameters of the device are normal, and investigate the source of the fault according to the prompt information to avoid ignoring the alarm signal and causing sample damage or equipment failure.

9. Troubleshooting and Maintenance

Regularly check the equipment status: Operators should regularly check the working status of the equipment, such as the cooling effect, whether the air duct is unobstructed, whether the buttons on the control panel are sensitive, and whether the display is normal. If any problems are found, promptly contact professional personnel for maintenance.

Professional maintenance: In case of equipment failure, do not disassemble the equipment by yourself. Contact the manufacturer or professional maintenance personnel for inspection and repair to avoid improper operation leading to the expansion of the fault or equipment damage.

10. Handling after shutdown

Regular startup inspection: If the equipment is not used for a long time, it needs to be turned on regularly to check whether all functions are normal, especially the refrigeration system and air duct circulation system, to avoid system failures caused by long-term disuse.

Turn off the power: When not in use, turn off the power and unplug the power plug, especially when it is not in use for a long time, to ensure safety and prevent damage to electrical components.


As a widely used equipment in laboratories, low-temperature biochemical incubators require special attention to environmental conditions, power supply, temperature and humidity control, and daily maintenance during use. By reasonable operation and timely maintenance, not only can the service life of the equipment be extended, but the accuracy and reliability of the experimental results can also be ensured.

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