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Disinfection and sterilization treatment methods and precautions for biochemical incubator

Physical disinfection method:

Ultraviolet radiation: Expose the interior of the biochemical incubator to an ultraviolet lamp for a period of time, usually about 30 minutes to 1 hour. Ultraviolet rays can kill bacteria and viruses, but their efficacy in killing spores and certain fungi is poor. Be careful not to be directly exposed to ultraviolet radiation during operation to avoid harm to the human body.

Heat treatment: Increase the temperature of the biochemical incubator, usually between 80 ° C and 120 ° C, for a period of time. This can kill bacteria, viruses, and some fungi through high temperature. Ensure that there are no combustibles or other easily heated items in the biochemical incubator during heat treatment.

Dry heat disinfection: Expose the interior of the biochemical incubator to high temperature and dry environment, usually between 160 ° C and 180 ° C, for a period of time. Dry heat disinfection can effectively kill various microorganisms, including spores and viruses.

Chemical disinfection method:

Alcohol disinfection: Use 70% ethanol or isopropanol to moisten a cotton ball or tissue, and gently wipe the internal surface of the biochemical incubator. Be careful not to use alcohol on electrical appliances or heating elements to avoid fire hazards.

Bleaching agent disinfection: spray or wipe the internal surface of biochemical incubator with diluted bleaching agent (usually 10% Sodium hypochlorite solution), and then rinse thoroughly with clean water. Bleach has a broad-spectrum disinfection effect and can effectively kill various microorganisms.

Other disinfectants: Other disinfectants such as hydrogen peroxide and Formaldehyde#Forms can be used as required. When using, please follow the correct dilution ratio and usage method, and operate according to the operating manual.

Before conducting disinfection and sterilization treatment, it is important to refer to the operating manual of the biochemical incubator and the guidelines provided by the manufacturer to understand the applicable disinfection methods and precautions for specific equipment. Pay attention to following laboratory safety regulations and personal protective measures to ensure the safety of operations.

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