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Advantages of ultrasonic crusher over mechanical crusher

Ultrasonic crushers have many advantages, making them commonly used sample processing equipment in laboratory and industrial applications.

The following are the main advantages of ultrasonic crushers:

1. Efficient and fast: The ultrasonic crusher utilizes the principle of high-frequency ultrasonic vibration to quickly crush and disperse samples. Compared to traditional mechanical crushing methods, ultrasonic crushers are usually able to complete sample processing in a short period of time, improving work efficiency.

2. Highly uniform: Ultrasonic waves can generate uniform vibration waves, transmitting energy evenly into the sample, resulting in uniform fragmentation and dispersion of the sample. This helps to avoid local fragmentation or unevenness in the sample, ensuring consistency and repeatability of the sample.

3. Non contact operation: The operation of the ultrasonic crusher is non-contact, and there is no direct contact between the sample and the crushing equipment, reducing the risk of sample contamination and equipment wear. At the same time, non-contact operation is also more convenient for cleaning and maintaining equipment.

4. Excellent adjustment performance: The ultrasonic crusher has the function of adjusting parameters such as ultrasonic frequency, power, and processing time. This allows users to make precise adjustments based on the characteristics and needs of the sample to achieve the best crushing effect.

5. Wide applicability: The ultrasonic crusher is suitable for processing a variety of samples, including cells, bacteria, tissues, suspensions, emulsion, etc. It can be used for sample crushing, dispersion, homogenization and extraction in biology, chemistry, medicine, food science and other fields.

6. No need to add chemical reagents: Ultrasonic crushers usually do not need to add chemical reagents during sample processing, reducing chemical pollution and the generation of by-products. This makes the ultrasonic crusher a green and environmentally friendly sample processing method.

The ultrasonic crusher has become an ideal choice for sample processing in many laboratories and industrial fields due to its advantages of high efficiency, speed, high uniformity, excellent adjustment performance, wide applicability, and no need to add chemical reagents.

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